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How women can help fill the oil and gas industry’s talent gap

New research identifies why women fail to advance—and suggests what the industry can do about it. 


Companies that have a significant share of female leaders outperform their peers, according to McKinsey research. Companies in the oil and gas (O&G) industry should carefully consider this insight, given that the industry has struggled to attract, retain, and promote women. Addressing this problem is important: the sector faces an aging workforce as well as demand for new kinds of skills in areas such as advanced analytics, machine learning, and robotics.


At the same time, the industry’s appeal is declining among younger people (Exhibit 1). A decade ago, O&G was the 14th most attractive employer among engineering and and IT students; now it is 35th. Given the need for talent, it is critical for the O&G industry to deepen and diversify its pool. One way to do that is to bring in and retain more talented women. There is a long way to go. Right now, women comprise only 15 percent of the O&G workforce.


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